Route 66 - About Mymotherroad

This site was created because I have always been looking for the “Route 66 webpage” which offers both, a lot of information and userfriendly design. As I have not found what I was looking for, I created my own Route 66 website, which contains both.
My goal is to give you a website which offers all the information you need for a trip on Route 66.
When I created this webpage, I realized of course, that this is a big project and it is hardly possible to pack all this information into one web page. Unless you see it as a lifelong project.

So a website was developed which provides the most important information for Route 66, in a simple design, easy in navigation and with many beautiful photos.

I have divided the page into 8 navigation points:

Menu item Route 66 – Gallery
Here you will find all Route 66 photos from the eight states, which Route 66 covers, also a gallery of national parks, state parks and towns in this area.

Menu item Route 66 – Links
All links I could find for Route 66 and consider useful.

The following links do not claim to relevance, correctness or completeness; a corresponding liability is accordingly rejected